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Post by Epsilon »

Actually, I find the best trilogies written, are those originally trilogies from the start. For example, Back to the Future, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings. Cameron originally thought of the Terminator 2 concept first, but didn't have the digital technology to create it, so he created preliminary Terminator movie to tell the story of the Terminators setting up the plot for the second movie. He never was going to make a Terminator 3, so I think it was a mistake doing it. It is kind of like the MIB 2, never as good as the first if not written from the start...
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Post by death to traitors »

back to the future was not a good trilogie...although they are good movies the first and second are strong films the 3ed is quite the let down! and a great example of a bad trilogie would be (drum roll please)..............jurassic park
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Post by John Groshko »

There's always "that" film in a trilogy that sucks compared to the other films. Jarassic park 3 was a horrible movie. The only reason the studio made it was to cash in on the money to be made. It was a huge mistake that Speilberg didn't get to direct it.

Cameron did intend for T3 to get made, being that T2 was a huge sucess. On the "Behind-the-scenes" video clip on the making T3D, Cameron said that the film would probable be used as a stepping stone for a 3rd terminator movie.

Die Hard 2 isn't that bad of a movie; its just that John Mctierrn didn't get to direct it. And all Renny Harlim did was make a cheap knock-off of the first film and set it in an airport. But; Die Hard 1 and 3 are two of the best action movies ever made. Hopefully Die Hard 4 is as good as 1 and 3.

Indiana Jones was always intended to be a trillogy. It had the same crew making the film the whole time. I actully think that "Raiders of the Lost Ark" is the worst Indy film made for two reason a) The female charcter in the movie is lame, annoying, and just so hollywood. I wished that she had actully died when that truck blow-up. b) The ending to "Raiders" is just stupid, it's stupider than the ending to "temple of doom". "Last crusade" is the best Indy film by far. Hopefully #4 turns out to be just as good.

I like trillogies that actully have different endings for each of the films. The fact that they even have endings at all is good. I hate movies that make audiences wait to see the third act. It dosen't seem much like a trillogy if you only have one ending; It just seems like one very long 9-hour long movie.
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Post by Epsilon »

Hah. Jurassic Park is soo messed up! I loved the first film, baffled why they made a second, shocked when they made a third! By the way, I thought Back to the future was a cool trilogy, although the third was almost too western oriented. But still good in itself.

Naked Gun trilogy is awsome too!
John Groshko
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Post by John Groshko »

There's rumors of a 4th Jurassic Park movie being made, and that Speilberg will direct it.

The first three Jack Ryan movie were pretty good. But, the "Sum of all fears", wasn't as good as the first three films.
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Post by Truggy »

well, try and get some ideas for us, and post em
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Post by The_Brand_New_Tarantino »

LOTR is the best trilogy. I'm sorry for offending people by my Star Wars comments. I just find them boring. Really, really, really boring. Foxwood's right, though. A good movie trilogy can't have any sucky movies. All the LOTRs rocked. The 2nd wasn't quite as good as the 1st or 3rd, but was still undeniably amazing.
My list of best movie trilogys would be

1. Lord of the Rings
2. Back to the Future
3. Indiana Jones
4. Scream

My opinion. Okay? Oh, and I got summthing for you. Something VERY controversial. The Phantom Menace is the best star wars movie.
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Post by Epsilon »

...I am not going to get into that... :|

But I have to say that Jar Jar shocked the h*ll outta me.
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Post by foxwood »

Well I wouldn't say scream that had two horrable parts, namely screams 2 and 3. Back to the future was not bad, at lest they all led into each other.
Mine are

Lord of the Rings
Star Wars,(the first ones)
The Godfather (I didn't hate part three)
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Post by Epsilon »

Naked Gun movies!

I thought some parts in Lord of the Rings went a bit slow. Then again, I am not a real big fan either. Good scenes though!
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