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Post by TommyPollock »

I watched Halloween last night, and it had some good special features. One interesting comment the director made was something along the lines of:

"I have made all types of films, but horrors are by far the most fun. Everbody is laughing on set throughout, and it creates a great atmosphere. I'd say comedies and action movies are the worst, probably with comedy winning it because they are so tedious and aggrevating to make".

That was only a rough reconstruction. Anyways, I was kinda inspired by Halloween, and once I finish the awful movie the retards on my street have forced me into directing, I am going to make a horror quite similar to Halloween in storyline. One notable point about Halloween, and therefore the movie I am making, is that you rarely see any blood at all. In fact, you will not see one person get killed in my upcoming film. You do see a dead guy, but thats about it.
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Post by rankz »

Good for you, I am making a horror too. Pretty gorey. I made a mask for it not long ago. The plot is pretty simple, people who don't live at the house and stay the night, are killed. Simple as that. Good luck with your film.
I think gore and action is what makes a film, a comedy has to be really funny to get satisfaction but a action makes people want to watch more, its far more interesting.
John Groshko
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Post by John Groshko »

Actually; I think horror movies are some of the worst movies ever made. Well; except for the very odd one like the Shinning. The only good (100%) horror movie I can think of. All those horror movies that use gore to scare people simply aren't scary; they’re just gross and disgusting.

Seriously; I can't see why anybody would like these movies. They are done completely backwards. ie) You should never build-up suspense to a scary sequence in a movie. You should surprise you audience in a split second, so that they sh*t there pants. ie#2) Your audience should never see what is actually scary about the movie, like zombies, aliens, vampires, etc... As soon as your audience sees what it is that is scaring the characters in the movie, it is no longer scary to the audience because they know what to look for. And nothing is scarier then the audience's imagination.

(That my two cents, about what "I" think about horror movies.)
My films;

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Post by Epsilon »

In a horror film, suspence should be something that is never resolved. Therefore, at the end the audience is still panicked; an everlasting thriller!

Anyone seen "Virus"?
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