Our Plan. 12 Months, 12 short films.

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Our Plan. 12 Months, 12 short films.

Post by Despin »

Hey there.

Over the last few years me and the guy I write with have done a hell of a lot of writing. But little else... Now we think we see a definite improvement in our scripts. But as far as actual films go we've got nothing but a pile of half shot and unedited short films and of the few we did finish, we were not exactly impressed by the finished product..

This year we're hoping to change that.

We're planning on making 12 short films this year. One a month.

Wishful thinking? Maybe. But we're gonna give it our best shot.

Now breaking the months into four parts it should work out something like this...

Week 1: Come up with the idea, write the script and begin Pre-Production.

Week 2: Continue and Finish Pre-Production (shot lists, prop lists, shooting schedule)

Week 3: Production. Shoot the script. Get all the raw material we need to assemble the movie.

Week 4: Post Production. Edit sound and picture.

Now we have several short scripts finished already that we plan to make later in the year. So obviously we wont be needing a week to write them and can use that time on another aspect of the film. We will also be plannign ahead for future short fioms in the year at any time we can. We won't always be shooting it ourselves with our own gear and a few friends. Later in the year we hope to shoot with other people and a more experienced crew. But on the whole the above plan is roughly how we hope to spent the next 12 months. In each new short we make we want to leanr something new.

Who knows if we will manage it... This time next year I guess we all will.

If all goes to plan and we make half as many of the films we plan to this year we are thinking of holding a sort of mini film festival here in Manchester and invite other local filmmakers to show their short films and make a bit of an event of it all... It all seems such a long away a way at the moment... But time does fly.

Anyway. I'm posting this here as I thought that some people might find this account of our progress interesting.

Now this thread may die and be gone for days or weeks at a time if we have nothing new to post. But hopefully I will be bringing it back from the dead at least once a month.

I will post stuff about what's happening, scripts, storyboards, photo's, music, trailers and hopefully the finished films... Fingers crossed.




Now we were gonna start the year with one of our already completed short film scripts but we recently came across A Short Film Comp asking for short films under ten minutes long and under the heading of "Slasher movie"

We talked through the "Slasher short" idea and came up with KILLER INSTINCT just the other week.

It's about a young man who hears about a local nutter being on the loose and then coming home to find said nutter in his house. It's a pretty simple, generic idea. But we felt we had a few ideas to turn the idea into something interesting.

A few nights ago we talked through the idea and worked out the basic A-B-C's of the script. We got to the point where we were happy and finished a first draft.

For those who are intrested you can read it here.

http://www.geocities.com/despin180/Kill ... tdraft.htm

So... If you made it through this post, thanks for reading and I hope you stick with us and find what we're trying to do somewhat interesting.

Cheers. Thanks for reading.

Despin out.
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RE: Our Plan. 12 Months, 12 short films.

Post by foxwood »

good luck man.
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RE: Our Plan. 12 Months, 12 short films.

Post by KayBeck »

I've seen a film a month done before. It's quite hard, but not impossible. Good luck!
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RE: Our Plan. 12 Months, 12 short films.

Post by Vamp »

And I've seen a short film a week!!

www.greggwatt.com has an Any Given Sunday workshop where every sunday a storyline is conceived, script drawn out, movie produced and edited!
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RE: Our Plan. 12 Months, 12 short films.

Post by Carnage7p »

it sounds like a great idea, definitely possible but the only thing i would be worried about is getting burned out. even people can burn out of their favorite thing in the world. maybe you should leave room for one or two short breaks in there. it would still be very honorable to do 8 or 9 short films in a year. i suggest you back off but that's just what i would do. if you think your up to it, go for it but make sure you still enjoy it. good luck to ya in whatever you end up doing.
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RE: Our Plan. 12 Months, 12 short films.

Post by PapaMurf »

Yeah, you should maybe do it every other month or something. Unless you really think you can commoit and have enough free time.
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RE: Our Plan. 12 Months, 12 short films.

Post by BagBoysProductions »

Your script looks great...will you have it to be veiwed online
Josh Beaver
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Post by Despin »

Hey there.

Well cheers guys.

Here is the latest draft of the script.

Code: Select all


               A detached house at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac, surrounded
               by four identical properties. A black car sits out-front.

               INT. JAMES'S HOUSE - KITCHEN - DAY

               White units. Modern appliances. The window looks out over the
               back garden, and beyond the perimeter fence looms a FOREST. 


               -- dribbles down the face of a side unit. We follow the blood
               up onto the counter top where we find a chopping board and -- 

               A BLOODY STEAK

               EXT. FOREST - DAY (HANDHELD)

               We move forward through SOMEONE'S P.O.V. HEAVY BREATHING

               JAMES'S HOUSE - KITCHEN - DAY

               Into the kitchen comes JAMES, a fit young man, cleanly shaved
               and casually dressed. He spots the blood and sighs.


               James clears away the blood with kitchen roll. He takes a
               BUTCHERS KNIFE from the rack and prepares the meat; expertly
               cutting it into bite size morsels. He flicks on the RADIO:

                                   NEWSCASTER (V.O.)
                         -- and in other lunch time news,
                         authorities insist residents of
                         South-Manchester remain vigilante 
                         after serial murderer Henry Clark
                         escaped from police custody earlier
                         this week. Clark -- dubbed the
                         'Wythenshawe Ripper' by local press
                         -- escaped during a routine prison

               James's eyes widen, with either concern or intrigue, as he
               listens to the newscaster's words. He clutches the blade as:


               The P.O.V bursts out the rear doors of a VAN, charging
               forward down a suburban street --

                                   NEWSCASTER (V.O.)
                         Clark gained international
                         notoriety when he was prosecuted
                         for the serial murder of seven
                         children over seven days in the
                         summer of 1997...

               In the rear garden of a house in the suburbs, the P.O.V yanks
               clothes from a washing line. (We catch a glimpse of a
               recently murdered person on the floor in the back ground) --

                                   NEWSCASTER (V.O.)
                         Recent advances in DNA technology
                         allowed detectives to link him to a
                         further seventeen murders in and
                         around the Wythenshawe area...

               On a quiet street, the P.O.V creeps up behind a YOUNG MAN as
               he gets into his car. Suddenly, the P.O.V lunges forward and
               ATTACKS THE YOUNG MAN -- 

                                   NEWSCASTER (V.O.)
                         Second only to Harold Shipman as 
                         the nations most prolific serial
                         killer, Henry Clark is considered
                         extremely dangerous...

               EXT. FOREST - DAY (END MONTAGE)

               The P.O.V heads through the trees only to come face-to-face
               with a fence which backs onto a row of detached houses.

                                   NEWSCASTER (V.O.)
                         ... And residents are urged to
                         report any suspicious behavior

               The P.O.V peers over the fence into a rear garden. The
               property belongs to James -- WE SEE JAMES IN THE WINDOW.

               INT. JAMES'S HOUSE - KITCHEN - DAY

               Clutching his knife, James looks out into the garden as the
               newscaster continues:

                                   NEWSCASTER (V.O.)
                         ... And lock all doors and windows
                         until further notice --

               James switches off the radio. He stores the meat away in the
               fridge and casually returns the knife to the rack.

               FOREST - (HANDHELD)

               The P.O.V spies over at the window as James appears. We watch
               as he fiddles with the lock. Fearing we will be spotted, the
               POV drops behind the fence, as --

               JAMES'S KITCHEN

               James pushes the window firmly and it swings wide open. He
               steps back and leaves the kitchen and heads into the --

               LIVING ROOM

               James unlocks the patio doors and takes a look out into the
               back garden. Nothing unusual. He takes a SET OF KEYS from the
               coffee table and heads into the -- 


               Note: this porch gives access to the front garden, to the
               attached garage, and lastly an adjacent SMALL ROOM. 

               Our shot STOPS at the doorway to the garage while James goes
               inside. We hear him unlocking and opening windows. Also the
               sound of him putting on a jacket. Him zipping it up.

               James emerges wearing said jacket. He finds the appropriate
               key for the small room and inserts it in the KEYHOLE -- 

               -- he turns it and the mechanism locks with a satisfying

               James casually pockets the keys and exits the house. Through
               the glass front door we see him get into his car. The engine
               starts and he drives away.

               GARDEN - DAY (HANDHELD)

               As if we've just scaled the fence, The P.O.V drops into the
               back garden and stalks quickly the open kitchen window...

                                                         FADE TO BLACK:


                                K I L L E R   I N S T I N C T

                                                               FADE IN:

               EXT. JAMES' HOUSE - NIGHT 

               A moon hangs overhead as James drives into the cul-de-sac and
               on towards his home.


               From a 1st floor window -- in the INTRUDER'S P.O.V -- we see
               James pull into the driveway below. 

               As James emerges with a sack of potatoes, the P.O.V pulls
               back into the interior of the room.


               James comes inside and hauls the heavy sack up onto the
               counter top. He considers his next move: tea or toast? 

               He does neither and goes into the DINNING ROOM where he hangs
               his coat on a chair. He leaves his mobile phone on the table.

               Note: The dinning room is the central hub of the house. The
               lounge and the staircase lead off from it. 

               James head's into the LOUNGE and flicks on the TV, channel
               surfs, beat after a dull day at the office.

                                                                CUT TO:


               ...we're in an enclosed space that is totally dark. LABOURED
               BREATHING suggests we're also in the intruder'S P.O.V 

                                                         CUT BACK INTO:


               James drifts off to sleep, snoozing fitfully on the coach.

                                                                CUT TO:


               ...Suddenly, the bare bulb overhead POPS into life revealing
               our location: we're in the larder under the staircase. 

               The P.O.V scans a shelf of tinned food. A gloved hand reaches
               out and takes a bottle of pasta source, gives it a shake.

                                                         CUT BACK INTO:


               A noise from the TV wakes up James. Bored, he flicks off the
               TV and heads into the DINNING ROOM and then up the staircase.

               ANGLE OVER

               As the door to the under-stairs ladder creaks open. In P.O.V
               we emerge and move through the dinning room into the kitchen,
               up to a drawer. The drawer is opened. A KNIFE is withdrawn. 


               James passes the BATHROOM and two other BEDROOMS before
               heading into the MAIN BEDROOM at the end of the landing. 


               Knife in hand, the P.O.V moves slowly upstairs to the
               bathroom, peers inside -- just the toilet and basin.

               The P.O.V stalks into the FIRST BEDROOM -- 

               A bed and dresser. The P.O.V finds a small TEDDY. He tears it
               up in rage, slashing it with his blade.

               Interested more in finding James, the P.O.V exits and moves
               quietly along the landing into the SECOND ROOM -- 

               Again, a simple room -- but no sign of James. The P.O.V bends
               down and picks up a WEREWOLF MASK. It's an odd looking thing:
               Rubbery fangs. Fuzzy hair. Pimply snout. 

               Suddenly, a NOISE from the next-room -- the last remaining
               room in the house. The one the Intruder hasn't checked.

               Hearing the loud noise, the P.O.V freezes, and turns to the
               wall. A heavy BANGING can be heard on the other side. 

               He doesn't bother trashing or ransacking the mask and goes
               back on to:

               THE LANDING

               And then to the MAIN BEDROOM. A moment later the POV flings
               the door open and rushes inside... Nothing but a bed and
               fitted cupboards. No sign of James. 

               The stunned P.O.V takes in the simple bedroom for a few
               seconds and then begins to SEARCH it --

               We race around, pulling open cupboard doors, rifling through
               clothes, yanking off bedsheets. The P.O.V even tries the
               windows but they're locked tight. How did he escape?

               With no sign of James, the intensity of the search increases
               as the POV leaves the main room and heads towards the stairs 
               when -- 

               RING! RING! RING! 

               -- we hear the sound of James's mobile phone ringing
               downstairs in the kitchen. 

               The P.O.V rushes down the stairs, through the dining room and
               finally, knife raised, into the kitchen. 

               The phone stops ringing. Suddenly, we hear the sound of a
               door slamming shut outside in the VESTIBULE.

               The P.O.V heads out of the KITCHEN and into the VESTIBULE.

               Here the P.O.V scans the room. It's empty -- everything is
               still, except... A large set of keys gently swing from side
               to-side in the lock of the "small room".

               The P.O.V moves over to the door and reaches out to grab the


               The P.O.V enters the darkened room. His hand reaches out for
               the light switch, flicks it on -- to reveal the room is
               covered in a strange white plastic sheeting. Every wall.

               The P.O.V reaches out to touch the plastic when -- THUD --
               he's jolted forward, blood splatters onto the wall before
               him. The P.O.V stumbles forward, dazed...

               Then the P.O.V lurches around to find James, knife in hand,
               stood in the doorway. His pupils are dilated. He looks crazy.

               Suddenly James lunges forward. There is a RAPID BLUR as James
               drives the knife into the P.O.V's chest and out again almost
               before we've seen it. It's a frenzied attack -- STABBING and

               Each stab pukes blood onto the white plastic covering the
               walls. A few seconds flash by and the walls are blood-red. 

               The P.O.V angles down at the blood forming on the white
               plastic at his feet. The P.O.V then angles back up at James
               with an astonished disbelief.

               Then in a WILD PAROXYSM the knife blurs continuously slashing
               at the P.O.V. The attack is brutal. Twenty stabbings blur by
               in an instant. P.O.V tries to fend off the blows -- 

               -- then suddenly the P.O.V falls down to the floor. The
               attack fatal. A pool of blood gathers around him. A red sea

               James looms over him, the blood-stained knife in his hand, a
               wild look in his eye.

               OUTSIDE THE ROOM

               Through the open door we see the adjacent walls splashed with
               blood. The intruder's lower-legs and boots are there on the
               floor. They're pulled out of view, into the room, by James.

               A moment later he emerges. His face and upper body splashed
               with blood. A train wreck of gore. He takes the keys from his
               pocket and casually locks the door.

                                                               FADE TO:


               As if he's just buried something, James pats down a patch of
               loose earth at the end of his garden. He rams the spade into
               the ground and leaves it standing there like a grave marker.

               Tired, James goes over and sits at the patio table. A framed
               photograph of a YOUNG GIRL beams back at him. The edges of
               the image a dog eared... And dappled with long dried blood.

               James takes the photograph and removes the back. He pulls the
               image free and flips it over. On the back is a messaged
               scrawled in old blood. Black blood. It reads:

                         S H E   I S   J U S T   T H E   S T A R T 

               James's chin quivers. But he holds firm. He doesn't cry.

                                                         FADE TO BLACK.

We also made up some fake blood for this short... First time I ever had to make fake blood. I think it turned out ok.


Despin out.
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Post by dno »

Great idea, but one piece of advice, don't sacrifice the quality for the quantity. I live pretty near you guys, so if you want any help, give me a shout.

Sounds like it could be a fantastic filmmaking adventure.

The blood looks good by the way.
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Post by lethelgirth87 »

I always seem to get stuck on the way, I never get done by the time I prepare to get done by. So good luck with all that.
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Post by Despin »

Hey there.

I just picked up two cool little handheld fog machines. Should work great for adding a little atmosphere to the last few shots of the films. I'm going to do some tests later today when it gets dark and let you guys see the results.

Despin out.
Posts: 53
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Post by Despin »

Hey there.

Well this is the final draft. We have taken what people have said in this threadinto account and changes have been made. This is about as good as we're going to get it in the time frame we gave ourselves.

We're going to start shooting this on Monday. Wish us luck.

Let us know what you think.

Code: Select all


               A detached house at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac, surrounded
               by four identical properties. A black car sits out-front.

               INT. JAMES'S HOUSE - KITCHEN - DAY

               White units. Modern appliances. The window looks out over the
               back garden, and beyond the perimeter fence looms a FOREST. 


               -- dribbles down the face of a side unit and forms a pool on
               the tiled floor. We follow the trail of blood back up onto
               the counter top where we find a chopping board and -- 

               A BLOODY STEAK

               EXT. FOREST - DAY (HANDHELD)

               We move forward through SOMEONE'S P.O.V. HEAVY BREATHING

               JAMES'S HOUSE - KITCHEN - DAY

               Into the kitchen comes JAMES, a fit young man, cleanly shaved
               and casually dressed. He spots the blood and sighs.


               James clears away the blood with kitchen roll. He takes a
               BUTCHERS KNIFE from the rack and prepares the meat; expertly
               cutting it into bite size morsels. He flicks on the RADIO:

                                   NEWSCASTER (V.O.)
                         -- and finally, authorities insist
                         residents of South-Manchester
                         remain vigilante today after the
                         escape of serial murderer Henry
                         Clark  earlier this week. Clark --
                         dubbed the 'Wythenshawe Ripper' by
                         local press -- escaped during a
                         routine prison transfer... 

               James's eyes widen, with either concern or intrigue, as he
               listens to the newscaster's words. He clutches the blade as:


               The P.O.V bursts out the rear doors of a VAN, charging
               forward down a suburban street --

                                   NEWSCASTER (V.O.)
                         Clark gained international
                         notoriety when he was prosecuted
                         for the serial murder of seven
                         families over seven days in the
                         summer of 1997...

               In the rear garden of a house in the suburbs, the P.O.V yanks
               clothes from a washing line. (We catch a glimpse of a
               recently murdered person on the floor in the back ground) --

                                   NEWSCASTER (V.O.)
                         Recent advances in DNA technology
                         allowed detectives to link him to a
                         further seventeen murders in and
                         around the Wythenshawe area...

               On a quiet street, the P.O.V creeps up behind a YOUNG MAN as
               he gets into his car. Suddenly, the P.O.V lunges forward and
               ATTACKS THE YOUNG MAN -- 

                                   NEWSCASTER (V.O.)
                         Second only to Harold Shipman as 
                         the nations most prolific serial
                         killer, Henry Clark is considered
                         extremely dangerous...

               EXT. FOREST - DAY (END MONTAGE)

               The P.O.V heads through the trees only to come face-to-face
               with a fence which backs onto a row of detached houses.

                                   NEWSCASTER (V.O.)
                         ... And residents are urged to
                         report any suspicious behavior

               The P.O.V peers over the fence into a rear garden. The
               property belongs to James -- WE SEE JAMES IN THE WINDOW.

               INT. JAMES'S HOUSE - KITCHEN - DAY

               Clutching his knife, James looks out into the garden as the
               newscaster continues:

                                   NEWSCASTER (V.O.)
                         ... And lock all doors and windows
                         until further notice --

               James switches off the radio. He stores the meat away in the
               fridge, rinses the blade under the hot water tap and casually
               returns the knife to the rack.

               FOREST - (HANDHELD)

               The P.O.V spies at the window as James appears. We watch as
               he fiddles with the lock. The P.O.V drops behind the fence,
               as --

               JAMES'S KITCHEN

               James pushes the window firmly and it swings wide open. He
               steps back and leaves the kitchen and heads into the --

               LIVING ROOM

               James comes inside... And pauses to consider a framed image
               on the windowsill. 

               The photograph is tatty -- contrasting with the new-looking
               frame -- but the young mother and daughter in the picture
               look happy and free. A cherished image for sure.

               James takes the photograph. He swallows uncomfortably and
               takes a moment to compose himself; the image stirring up many
               memories. Some good. Some bad. James returns the photograph
               to the windowsill, only this time face-down.

               James then goes over and unlocks the patio doors and takes a
               look out into the back garden. Nothing unusual. He takes a
               SET OF KEYS from the coffee table and heads into the -- 


               Note: this porch gives access to the front garden, to the
               attached garage, and lastly an adjacent SMALL ROOM. 

               Our shot STOPS at the doorway to the garage while James goes
               inside. We hear James unlocking and opening windows. Also the
               sound of him putting on a jacket. Him zipping it up.

               James emerges wearing said jacket. He finds the appropriate
               key for the small room and inserts it in the KEYHOLE -- 

               -- he turns it and the mechanism locks with a satisfying

               James casually pockets the keys and exits the house. Through
               the glass front door we see him get into his car. The engine
               starts and he drives away.

               GARDEN - DAY (HANDHELD)

               As if we've just scaled the fence, The P.O.V drops into the
               back garden and stalks quickly to the open kitchen window...

                                                         FADE TO BLACK:


                                K I L L E R   I N S T I N C T

                                                               FADE IN:

               EXT. JAMES' HOUSE - NIGHT 

               A full moon hangs overhead as James drives into the cul-de
               sac and on towards his home.


               From a 1st floor window -- in the INTRUDER'S P.O.V -- we see
               James pull into the driveway below. 

               As James emerges with a sack of potatoes, the P.O.V pulls
               back into the interior of the room.


               James comes inside and hauls the heavy sack up onto the
               counter top. He considers his next move: tea or toast? 

               He does neither and goes into the DINNING ROOM where he hangs
               his coat on a chair. He leaves his mobile phone on the table.

               Note: The dinning room is the central hub of the house. The
               lounge and the staircase lead off from it. 

               Beat, James comes into the LOUNGE and flicks on the TV. James
               channel surfs.

                                                                CUT TO:


               ...we're in an enclosed space that is totally dark. LABOURED
               BREATHING suggests we're also in the intruder'S P.O.V 

                                                         CUT BACK INTO:


               James drifts off to sleep, snoozing fitfully on the coach.

                                                                CUT TO:


               ...Suddenly, the bare bulb overhead POPS into life revealing
               our location: we're in the larder under the staircase. 

               The P.O.V scans a shelf of tinned food. A gloved hand reaches
               out and takes a bottle of pasta source, gives it a shake.

                                                         CUT BACK INTO:


               A noise from the TV wakes up James. Bored, he flicks off the
               TV and heads into the DINNING ROOM and then up the staircase.

               ANGLE OVER

               As the door to the under-stairs ladder creaks open. In P.O.V
               we emerge and move through the dinning room into the kitchen,
               up to a drawer. The drawer is opened. A KNIFE is withdrawn. 


               James passes the BATHROOM and two other BEDROOMS before
               heading into the MAIN BEDROOM at the end of the landing. 


               Knife in hand, the P.O.V moves slowly upstairs to the
               bathroom, peers inside -- empty, just the toilet and basin.

               The P.O.V stalks into the FIRST BEDROOM -- 

               The furniture (bed and dresser) sit under dust sheets. The
               room hasn't been touched in ages. P.O.V finds a small, cute
               TEDDY. He tears it up in rage, slashing it with his blade.

               The P.O.V exits and moves quietly along the landing into the
               SECOND ROOM -- 

               Again, dust covers everything. And no sign of James. The
               P.O.V bends down and picks up a WEREWOLF MASK. It's an odd
               looking thing: Rubbery fangs. Fuzzy hair. Pimply snout. 

               Suddenly, a NOISE from the next-room -- the last remaining
               room in the house. The one the Intruder hasn't checked.

               Hearing the loud noise, the P.O.V freezes, and turns to the
               wall. A heavy BANGING can be heard on the other side. 

               He doesn't bother trashing or ransacking the mask and goes
               back on to:

               THE LANDING

               And then to the MAIN BEDROOM. A moment later the P.O.V flings
               the door open and rushes inside... Nothing but a bed and
               fitted cupboards. No sign of James. 

               The stunned P.O.V takes in the simple bedroom for a few
               seconds and then begins to SEARCH it --

               We race around, pulling open cupboard doors, rifling through
               clothes, yanking off bedsheets. The P.O.V even tries the
               windows but they're locked tight. How did he escape?

               With no sign of James, the intensity of the search increases
               as the P.O.V leaves the main room and heads towards the
               stairs  when -- 

               RING! RING! RING! 

               -- we hear the sound of James's mobile phone ringing
               downstairs in the kitchen. 

               The P.O.V rushes down the stairs, through the dining room and
               finally, knife raised, into the kitchen. 

               The phone stops ringing. Suddenly, we hear the sound of a
               door slamming shut outside in the VESTIBULE.

               The P.O.V heads out of the KITCHEN and into the VESTIBULE.

               The P.O.V scans the room. It's empty -- everything is still,
               except... A large set of keys gently swing from side-to-side
               in the lock of the "small room".

               The P.O.V moves over to the door and reaches out to grab the


               The P.O.V enters the darkened room. His hand reaches out for
               the light switch, flicks it on -- to reveal the room is
               completely decked out in white plastic sheeting.

               The P.O.V reaches out to touch the plastic when -- THUD --
               he's jolted forward, blood splatters onto the wall before
               him. The P.O.V stumbles forward, dazed...

               Then the P.O.V lurches around to find James, knife in hand,
               stood in the doorway. His pupils are dilated. He looks crazy.

               Suddenly James lunges forward. There is a RAPID BLUR as James
               drives the knife into the P.O.V's chest and out again almost
               before we've seen it. It's a frenzied attack -- STABBING and

               Each stab pukes blood onto the white plastic covering the
               walls. A few seconds flash by and the walls are blood-red. 

               The P.O.V angles down at the pool of blood forming at his
               feet. The P.O.V then angles back up at James with an
               astonished disbelief.

               Then in a WILD PAROXYSM the knife blurs continuously slashing
               at the P.O.V. The attack is brutal. Twenty stabbings blur by
               in an instant. P.O.V tries to fend off the blows -- 

               -- then suddenly the P.O.V falls down to the floor. The
               attack fatal. A pool of blood gathers around him. A red sea

               James looms over him, the blood-stained knife in his hand, a
               wild look in his eye.

               OUTSIDE THE ROOM

               Through the open door we see the adjacent walls splashed with
               blood. The intruder's lower-legs and boots are there on the
               floor. They're pulled out of view, into the room, by James.

               A moment later he emerges. His face and upper body splashed
               with blood. A train wreck of gore. He takes the keys from his
               pocket and casually locks the door.

                                                               FADE TO:


               Security lights illuminate the garden and highlight a low
               lying mist. JAMES, shovel in hand, pats down a patch of loose
               earth by the compost heap. He rams the spade into the ground
               and leaves it standing there like a grave marker.

                                                         FADE TO BLACK.


               A plate of freshly cooked steak and potatoes sits on the
               dinning room table. James, clean and showered, takes a seat. 

               Beside the plate is the framed photograph of the Mother and
               daughter. The image is dirty and dog eared, and on closer
               inspection... Dappled with long dried blood.   

               James takes the photograph and removes the back. He pulls the
               image free and flips it over. On the back is a message
               scrawled in old blood. Black blood. It reads:

                         T H E Y   A R E   J U S T   T H E   S T A R T 

               James's chin quivers. But he holds firm. He doesn't cry. He
               turns the photo over and looks at the family. His family. He
               smiles and puts it back into the frame. He places the picture
               back onto the table. He sits back and starts to eat the meal.

                                                         FADE TO BLACK.
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Post by chchaisson1 »

the script is great. cant wait to see the movie!
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Post by Despin »

Hey there.

Give or take a handfull of shots that we're going to pick up tomorow, we got the short shot over four days last week. Despite the change in weather (first days it snowed, second it was raining all day, third it was windy as hell, Everything went well. We got pretty much everything we wanted... Everything except one tiny little thing... SOUND.

There was some building work going on next door to our location.. So we decided not to use any of the sound we got on the day... Now, in the middle of editing we're only starting to realise what a task it's going to be to redub the entire movie. The only saving grace being the short has no onscreen dialog. But still.. There are a lot of sounds we need and it's gonna be one hell of a task to get it to sound anywhere near good.

Then there is the music... We have no clue how we're going to do this. I play a little guitar, but dont have a clue about keyboards.. And those are the two instruments we have. Hopefully wonce we have them connected to the pc we will be able to come up with something.

Anyway.. Just thought I would do a little update here and post a few screengrabs.

Now these are just grabs from the raw footage with just a rough matt on them. They are going to be colour corrected and adjusted slightly in the finished thing.

Anyway. Enough of the waffle. Here are the grabs.


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Post by UFProductions »

Oy! You stole my cellphone! Funny, I have the exact same one. The shots look awsome, I will definatly look forward to this'n coming out. It'll also be interesing to see a movie with all the sound dubbed in. I'm awaiting the premiere anxiously.
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Post by Despin »

Hey there.

We have a rough little teaser encoded to a 12mb .mov file if anyone is intrested in seeing what last months short film kinda looks like.. I have no webspace to host it but set it up to share via bit torrent if anyone is intrested in taking a look...


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Post by DarkElastic »

I couldn't get it to work. It won't download properly for me. Just jumps straight onto done, without downloading anything.
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Post by Despin »

Hey there.


Sorry... Posted the wrong link.

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Post by BrownCowStudios »

The shots looks good. I'm looking forward to the release.
Erm... yeah...
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Post by chchaisson1 »

What is Torrent? The computer doesn't know what a Torrent file is...
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Post by UFProductions »

They're instructions for a download program, like Shareaza. The small file is opened in the program, which then DL's the file from a host. I may be mistaken though.
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Post by chchaisson1 »

How's the film coming?
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Post by Despin »

Hey there.

Well I have the first months film compressed to about 60mb. Anyone have any idea where I might be able to host a file of that size for free? We dont have any webspace set up at the moment.

Would people be willing to download it via a torrent file, like that teaser thing?

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Post by Despin »

Hey there.

Got it sorted. For those who are intrested you can get the torrent file here.


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Post by DarkElastic »

Says 'page cannot be found' on my explorer when I click on the link.
O. M. G.

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