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Professional screenwriting

Post by mark »

Anyone on here apart from me trying too become a professional screenwriter?
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Post by Carnage7p »

not me, but can i see some of your scripts mark? i'm really interested now that i know you are trying to become a professional. after all the best way to improve is to get input from others and there aren't many better places to get that than here.
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Post by foxwood »

I want to be a perfetional writer director, but writing was my first love, and I spend way more time doing that then I ever have spent directing. I go about it right now by just writng mounds of scripts, and when I get a few that I think are just kick a** then I will start working on selling them, well the ones that I can't make myself, such as the action script I'm working on now.
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My scripts...............

Post by mark »

I usually get stuck after about 20 pages, but sitting down now and planning a script out, aiming for big budget hollywood picture, because if just writing, why not.

No ambitions at all too direct it, as I got no experience/qualifications and unfortunately I ain't rich.........

Done several things in the past ranging from action, too fantasy/scifi + horror.....

None of which were long enough for a feature or good enough too post, when I got something I feel is acceptable I'll post some of it...................

Probably aiming at the pg-13 market as lots of tamer action flicks made at this rating these days.................................

R is fine, but only necessary if you want lots of blood etc, going for scfi action project first.......................

BTW, I am from england but mostly buy region one dvds so know USA ratings, for english market probably aiming at a 12a.
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Post by foxwood »

I tend to write stuff that I can direct because I do that as well, but haven't ever let that dull my imagenation, as for ratings, I never even think about that when I am writing, I just write, that could be why most of my scripts would get R ratings if even that, even though with the action script I thought about ratings and thought that I want to try and get an NC-17 for violance.

As for getting stuck what you can do is, I plan out the script before I write, never down to the letter but I string togther the sceans so I know what is next, that way I can keep going. Another thing that helps me break the ice on getting it done, is I will write out the history of the charaters because that will free me to think like them. I also keep two or three scripts going at a time so when I run out of ideas on one I can switch, and keep them in a rotation.
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Post by ALove »

i want to be a writer/director.
right now im doing 2 scripts. ones almost done, its based on Star Wars Knights of the old republic for Xbox. i also have a script about that the American Government turns Communist and tries to control everything. s small band of revolutionaries try to save the world and restore the old Us from the Communist America. Star wars is about 60 pages now and the other is 10 pages now.
the worst thing about being an amerature filmmaker is that I have so many ideas and about 10 scripts but i have no money to fund any where near all of them. ( barely even one of them)
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Post by foxwood »

That is when you have to go and get insration from what is around you, and think on a budget, when I wrote Retribution, I thought on a $200 budget, so I took out most the big booms, the big battles, the bar room fight, etc. Sometimes you just have to do things like that.
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Post by ALove »

But that snuffs my creative talent!

your probably right. although most of the american commie movie takes place in the sewers, so id only need a sewer set. (and the occasional over ground shots, but not many!)
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starwars "style" script, NOT a copy/sequel.

Post by mark »

Robert rodriguez (that surname spelling probably off).....anyways creator of desperado, from dust till dawn etc

Has said in "total film" british movie magazine, that he wanted to do a star wars type movie, personally I think there is room for something of that nature BUT
NOT A COPY OF IT (capitals too make point)

Personally I'm a big fan of the first two movies, starwars (1977) + empire strikes back, but think jedi + the new movies all could be better............................

In fact I don't think the originals are beyond competiting with, yes starwars is a very good film but it ain't perfect...........

Not saying I can write a perfect star wars "type" movie but maybe something on par with star wars...................

Too be honest, think there are two action scenes that are perfect in star wars........

The millenium vs the 4 tie fighters.........

The trench battle at the end.............

both stand up today, but the light saber fight is nothing special, neither are most of the gunplay scenes. (gun as in lazer gun)

Also the rebels are overwhelmed far too quickly in the opening battle as well + they surrender (why surrender they only be executed)

Obviously a film of this nature, that is not a copy can't include any version of jedi's/light sabers/the force by other names as this will be a obvious rip-off.

Considering setting my star wars type "but not a copy/sequel".......on one planet with no space battles (at least in the first film)

Lazer guns are ok, as lots of scifi uses those, if want swords then normal swords should be ok, rather than lazer sword/light saber.

Welcome any thoughts/comments......
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Post by foxwood »

Well lets see, pick a theme, or even an old movie and take your insperation from that. Lucus, based Star Wars on "the Hidden Fortress." I think Sci-Fi works well when insted of trying to come up with something super new, take a classic consept and morpth that into something better.
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Re-think about my script

Post by mark »

Decided against the "star wars" type but not a copy script because even if fairly different could still look like i'm just a fan-boy wannabe rather than a serious professional screenwriter...............

Better too aim at star trek/babylon 5/stargate market...........Basically futuristic earth in whatever state with at least some human characters with normal sounding names (tom/brad/steve etc)

Alot more of this type of scifi is made on a regular basis.
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Post by foxwood »

Well right there is your first mistake, trying to write for an audeance and not yourself. You need to write what you want to write not what you think people want to see, hell Star Wars did really good, and most things are similer.
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writing for yourself not an audience @ foxwood

Post by mark »

This is fine in my opinion BUT only if you are writing just for personnal satisfaction or amateur film making projects..........

As i'm aiming at a professional market it is best I feel too write what is excepted by the market place (eg hollywood)

Highly original stuff is ok but mostly the reserve of independent film makers rather than studios................

When studios say they want originality what they really mean is they want a standard script (eg three act structure, happy ending etc), with a new twist NOT something totally original as unlikely too be marketable, because after all hollywood is a business....................

BTW a film script based on Diablo (i think thats the fantasy roleplaying game you said you liked)
Would actually be fairly possible as long as you only want too write it..............forget directing it ( as big budget too do properly)

Movies based on games is a continuing trend............

As i'm from england, I have two potential markets actually UK + hollywood.........

UK stuff is usually a bit more thoughtfull and a bit less commercial (but not always)...usually lower budgeted..........

hollywood is generally the reverse.
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Post by foxwood »

But the key is if you do not like the script you are writing it will show through, and the thing will be cr**, and will not in most cases get bought. I know that you need a three act structure and usualy a happy endding, what I am saying is that you do not want to say write a romantic comady, if you are a person that like action. You have to write what you like otherwise you will turn out cr**.
May scranwriters are secseful but never really make big movies, and if you think in the mode that you must stick to the three act structer and such then your writing will never improve. You might want to start down low, but never say that this is all that there is. There are movies that don't use the three act structre, look at Kill Bill it in full form is a six act script, Bad Boys II seemed to have about four acts. I tend to like the Shacspeare way of doing shorter five acts.
And with the Diablo script, if that doesn't at somepoint garner a lawsuit. i said it was my dream gob to direct or even get the script sold, hince I'm sure that won't happon, but I can still shoot for it and dream.

If you look at some of my stuff, I don't always follow the three act structure, hell in the script I'm working on I'm not sure how many acts it has, more then three. What you have to do, is not stick to rigid ideas, but think outside the box but give the illution that you are still inside the box. It can look like a normal say action movie, but underneathe thats where you put all the cool outside the box stuff. The idea that Hollywood doesn't want new ideas is cr**, they want ideas that will make money, so they have to appel to the masses. I consiter myself a part of the masses of movie goers so I figure if I write for myself first and hollywood second I should be fine.

[Edited on 2-11-2003 by foxwood]
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Post by mark »

I do like action/scifi of most types, I like star trek/starwars/stargate not a problem with writing that.

I would never write a romantic comedy as I have no interest in it.

I'm not obsessed by gore, no problem with it but certainly not essential, pg-13 action movies work fine if good, look at the indy trilogy (especially 1+3)

Tarrantino can get away with what he does because who he is.
Personally I find him overrated.

Also total orginality is very rare, and also too sell in a hollywood market you need too basically take a sympathetic hero and let him achieve his goal/outer motivation, thats what I mean by formulea writing.

You are no doubt a paying customer BUT you are only one guy, look at hollywoods output, its movies stick too a formula.

Also alot are adaptations, eg based on games, books and comics.

You want too do something really individual head too the independent sector.

But personally, I like "good" hollywood movies, no probs with there formula approach, my tastes movie wise are mainstream.
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Post by Epsilon »

You cannot make any money writing a screenplay for star wars. The theme has been altered so many times and put out as motion pictures, it just ain't an original subject. Think of something entirely original and different. Make it have irony, make you think and want to know more about it. Have emotion, a believable storyline, and of course logic to anything technical.

You get stuck after 20 pages? I believe the standard average number of pages for a professional script is 120. I typically get stuck around 100 pages or more. Make sure to include lots of detail as to what you are trying to show in every scene. Screenplays are a lot more than just dialogue. Most important, make sure you enjoy what you are writing. Choose a topic that appeals to you, and work it at hard!

Have fun!
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Post by foxwood »

The avrage screanplay length is 90-120, that is what most people want, those are general numbers, because an 80 page script filled with action sequences could still take 90+ min on screan. If you get stuck after 20 pages, then maybe you need to rethink working for hollywood, prehaps TV would be better.
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Post by SgtPadrino »

I want to be a writer/director, because A) I want to direct the movies I envision, and B) It's almost as hard to start as a writer as it is to start as an actor.
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Post by foxwood »

It seems that everybody in this industry is a writer, the directors are writers, the actors are writers, the producers are writers hell the writers are writers......Ok that makes sence, but just a coment.
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Post by Epsilon »

There's an idea, let's dismiss all literacy from schools. That way no one can write unless they become a writer. Therefore leaving foxwood without confusion. :)
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Post by foxwood »

I'm not confused.......I think.
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Post by Epsilon »

Some people try too hard to do everything in their movies. I mean, look at Waterworld for example. Kevin Costner thought he was da man...

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Post by foxwood »

The problem there was he fell in love with the film as a director, and that is somthing you can't do. As a writer, i say put everything you want into the first draft, and then read it and have others look at it and if need be start to widdle away parts.
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my 20 pages comment

Post by mark »

I used too get stuck at 20 to 30 pages because I never planned it out before I started which for me not a good idea.

I write very efficently, with alot of pace so my scripts run out of steam.

However now getting into the habit of planning it first, including scene descriptions, character back stories etc and only then get down too actually writing the script once the planning stage is done.

Have the beginning, middle and end before I start.

Maybe a bit methodical for some you but we all have our methods.

I have the scripts for:-

The matrix
Total Recall
Star wars episode one (new it wouldn't be great after I read it)
Star wars episode two (new it would be better than episode one but still not as good as originals after reading it)
Star wars (1977 version) (with scenes not included in the actual film, If memory serves luke hanging out with freinds + introducing biggs earlier)
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Post by foxwood »

Sometimes you have to be mythotical when you write a script, I have found that for me, it depends on the script. I can sit down with the basic idea and write a comady with the huge cast of established chraters I have, but when i work on say an action movie it at lest have to outline it. with one script I had to outline do charaters backgrounds the whole nine yards before it got written.
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