Need CGI Character

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Need CGI Character

Post by cwf »

I am in Production of a film at the moment and the creature in the film is called a Biviwack. It is suppost to be a cross between a dog and a moneky with horns and a skelleton like face. It also grows when its fully grown to have giant wings.

What i want to know is how to create a realistic looking one on 3Ds Max and how to import this onto the scene i have with real live people.

If anyone could help me out on this and be the designer on the production and do all the CGI for me i would be extremley gratefull as i am a complete newbie with 3Ds.

Please email me at and we can discuss the character. I would only need the character for 1 shot where he tackles someone and one where he flyes away. Thanks would really appreciate any help and of course you would be on the credits.


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Post by U.S.Amateurfilmaker »

If you're a 3ds newbie I highly doubt you're gonna get anything hyper-realistic. If you want something that is acceptable, be prepared to work up to a few days on a singe scene.
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Post by I3lade203 »

You can get something amazingly relistic with max, max does have the capibilites. But you alone are probably not going to, and even in hollywood they would not use a pure cg creature most of the time, if it's supposed to be a hummaniod that is. If you want this to be a humman type thing with monkey claws ect, it would be mostly costume, and the wings would be cg.
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Post by cwf »

i didnt mean realistic as in people will believe that it could be real i meant it as in it would look good for a no budget film. The idea of having the wings CGI would be good but i need a long shot of the creature on the ground, flying up into the air and then towards the camera to end the film. Any ideas?

I wasnt looking to do it myself as i would never get it done. But if there is someone on here who deosnt mind giving up some time or has some free time and is good on 3Ds then i would love the help.

Thanks Guys
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Post by Simon Rylance »

It would be stupid to attempt something of that skill and difficulty for a first attempt, with no experience with creating 3d creatures, animating them, puting them on live footage and interacting with there enviroment. im not one to not try things, but i would recomend trying smaller things first.

it would be imposable for someone else to do it for you (that's not in direct contact) due to the things they would need to to while filming, and the huge size of video that needs to be transfered between you.

oh god.... i sound like on of those guys "dont be stupid! you'll never get in the film idustry!! any short film needs at least $10,000"... uugg i hate them..

but anyways!, i dont know how old you are but u might find some one from school/work/friend that enjoy's creating 3D stuff and that you could work with to try to get more knowledge on the subject : )
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Post by cwf »

wel can some one help me on what i need to do for this scene then :

It is an extreme long shot of a field and is about 20ft up in the air on a crane. In the distance we can see a creature on the other end of the fireld. His wings expand, flap and cause the trees to blow and then e takes of goes up in the air and flys towards the camera causing the screen to go to black.

Any ideas. I have 3Ds Max but have no idea how to use it so if someone could explain what i need to do please.


Post by NaziSentry »

Do all the tutorials. Or if you are like me and have a copy. Look for tutorial! start with the basics, dont just go instantly to character animation!
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Post by I3lade203 »

Umm nazi, if you want to learn charater anaimation , sure you can go right into it. Thats why your able to download models on the net, animation is a basic , yet does have some advanced parts as well. If you want to go straight into animation, modeling, ect. pick one. They all have basics.
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