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Message posted on : 04-05-2004 (IP logged)
Bravo Matt - You and your team were great at producing these excellent movies. I seriously watched attentively to both films on here, you guys made me laugh so much on some bits as is it so the kind of humour me and my friends have!!
Me a group of my friends have made a few short films over the years that nowhere near match the quality of yours... But at the end of the day, we had fun doing it and I can tell that you lot have fun too!!
Keep the brilliant work up, it provides us all with inspiration.
Best of luck to yourself, Ian, Oliver, Simon, Kuhan, Phil, Mark and Adam in the future and whatever the filming world may hold for you all!
FudGe KoOkiEs xXx
Message posted on : 02-05-2004 (IP logged)
Hey guys. Great stuff. I am currently just planning several movies, we have one done, but i cant find a place to host it. If you would like to see it, my msn is jordan_lacey@hotmail.com
Message posted on : 15-04-2004 (IP logged)
I love the site, it is a very good resource for anyone planning or making a film! I am writing a zombie script called "The First of The Dead" I have a website with some gore tips check it out I have a link to this site already ;)
Message posted on : 15-04-2004 (IP logged)
Your movies have to be the cheesiest peices of crap i have ever seen. They make no sence and have no plot. The scenes are way to long and whoever the editor was needs to be shot. I know what your going to say that your movies arnt any better but trust yes they really are. I hope you realize that you look like the biggest fags in your movies ever. I think you should take off your movies and just make this an informational site rather than making yourselves look like the biuggest douches ever. just thought you should know.
Message posted on : 30-03-2004 (IP logged)
Hi guys!
This website is really cool!! I mean it.. it's full with information and i'm learning a lot. I'm making my own movies and i'm doing my best!
thnx guys.
Webmaster comment : Glad you like it :)
Message posted on : 24-02-2004 (IP logged)
Nice site in general. Wish I could have seen video this time so I will check back and keep looking forward to watching them.
Message posted on : 23-02-2004 (IP logged)
Its about time i signed this!
Best... Site... Ever!
Message posted on : 07-02-2004 (IP logged)
I came looking for like minded folk...found 'em! Nice downloads, nice site! I'm looking forward to yer next endeavour.
Message posted on : 04-01-2004 (IP logged)
Hey, great site. I really think it does a good job of giving resources for amateur/low budget filmmaking.
P.S. Hollow Point is looking awesome.
Message posted on : 27-12-2003 (IP logged)
Hi dudes.
Just a little link for y'all to try. If you are into SFX try the www.fxhome.com site. its based around a program called AlamDV but has a good free cinema for viewing peoples films. Check it out. JB
Webmaster comment : Thank you for that informative insight into the standard of education in your trailer park. It is soooo boring hearing from people who apparently make amazing films but are too scared to share them with anyone. Ask your parents for some extra pocket money and maybe you can run your own web site. I pay for my site so will fill it with whatever I want. I think you should pay more attention to your spelling and grammar rather than wasting time on the internet.